An independent commission on cultural activities in Scotland produced an interim report. (It was tasked with making recommendations on the development of arts and culture, aiming to promote much wider access, excellence and building on the nation's reputation for creativity.)
Source: Interim Report, Cultural Commission (0131 315 0262)
Links: Interim report (pdf) | SE press release | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Nov
A consultation exercise showed support for a definition of 'public benefit' in Scottish law that would strip private schools of their charitable status and tax breaks - and could lead to sharp divergence from English law.
Source: Report to the Scottish Executive from the Consultation Events on the Draft Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (0131 556 3882)
Links: Report (pdf) | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Aug
A review examined research evidence in the fields of culture, arts and sport policy - in particular, research that focused on the benefits of participation; the under-representation of different groups in culture, arts and sport; and the social and economic impact of participation in such activities, and the hosting of major events, on individuals and communities.
Source: Janet Ruiz, A Literature Review of the Evidence Base for Culture, the Arts and Sport Policy, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: Report
Date: 2004-Aug
The Scottish Executive published a strategy document on volunteering. It said that some groups of people, especially those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, the unemployed, the long-term sick and disabled, the poor, and those lacking in formal qualifications, were consistently under-represented in volunteering, although they appear no less willing than others to volunteer.
Source: Volunteering Strategy, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Report
Date: 2004-May
A report assessed the extent to which the activities of Church of Scotland congregations contributed to social capital in Scottish communities. It said that the churches needed to redefine their identity, in ways compatible with a highly diverse and unpredictable society.
Source: John Flint and Ade Kearns, The Role of Church of Scotland Congregations in Developing Social Capital in Scottish Communities: Enabling and cohesive or irrelevant and divisive?, CNR Paper 16, Centre for Neighbourhood Research (0141 330 5408)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2004-May
The Scottish Executive published a statement on its policy for promoting cultural activity. It said that there was a need for a new cultural vision for Scotland, and a radically different way of delivering and sustaining its cultural services.
Source: Cultural Policy Statement, Scottish Executive, TSO (0870 606 5566)
Links: Statement | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Apr
The Scottish Executive announced plans to introduce mandatory rate relief for all community amateur sports clubs in Scotland.
Source: Press release 15 January 2004, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: SE press release
Date: 2004-Jan